I know some people that believe:
Aliens walk the earth and are living amongst us
After we die we are reborn in another body, human animal etc., depending on how well we did in this life
Jesus and the bible are the only way to get to heaven
There are no rules, we are God
There is no God, no heaven, no hell just us, here and now
Some believe that we crawled out of the sea developed arms legs and a sense of fashion
Some believe a little of this and that from the above beliefs
Some believe that if they kill themselves along with a bunch of people that don’t believe like they do, they will go to heaven with some virgins or something
Some folks believe they can channel others that have passed away that speak through them
Some believe in ghosts
Some believe they can see into the future
Some little ones believe in santa claus
Some believe the end of the world is imminent
Some believe money and fame will make them happy
Some believe suffering penance and a life of solitude and prayer will make them happy
Some believe whoever dies with the most toys wins
Others believe helping others is the way to enlightenment
Sometimes it’s hard to believe, all the different things people believe
mark marchetti 01/09