a sweet magnolia breeze through my soul
soft tan molasses cut off blue jeans...dangling in a sky blue pond
bubble gum kisses beneath the honeysuckle
elvis, otis, sam and dave, al greene,stax, sun, sam phillips
jerry lee, blue suede shoes...hwy 61
the cross roads..robert johnson
the devil and lord live in mississippi....
a certain edge...a certain attitude
a certain hospitality laced with rage
a certain oriental wisdom...the south is like a haiku
like a blues song....a poem
ghosts rise up from the asphalt...swamps..voodo..hoodo.. kudzu
penecostal tongue wagging...snakes in the mouths of the true believers
cyanide cocktails....backroad..cane pole...catfish...cottonmouth...
grits and gravey..good ole boys..pick up truck gun rack
prettiest girls i've ever seen melt your heart kick your ass
slow down hot...the mystical south..hank williams..loretta lynn..
johnny by God cash....
the sky is closer to the ground here...closer to's in the water...
it's different down here
way different
mark marchetti 06